Your Rightful Access To Blood Tests And Scan Reports
Unfortunately It can be a common experience for many people to have trouble obtaining copies of their blood test results and the various Xray, Ultrasound , CT and MRIs, that are rightfully yours. Often you are made to feel that you don't have a right to have these...
YES, There are Tests for Osteoporosis.
This One Is Mainly For The Ladies (mostly)??? Many people are surprised that when they are diagnosed with osteoporosis (bone thinning and breakdown), it is only done by a bone mass density scan (BMD) and that their progress is only measured by this scan (usually in...
Check Out The Testimonial 🌟
Our Naturopaths get great results with their clients, and it’s always nice to get a personal testimony that they are willing to share. For all naturopathic consultations please call Botanica Medica on (08) 8271-1827 Botanica Medica is located at 97-99 Glen Osmond...
Is There a Blood Test For Depression? Yes, No Yes……
Whilst there is no one size fits all blood test that diagnoses depression, there are many tests that can find a cause or combination of causes in depression. But unfortunately when people visit GPs to discuss their feelings of depression, and anxiety, it is rare for...
Are You Concerned About The Side Effects From Paracetamol?
Very recent changes to maximum pack sizes and packaging of paracetamol have been undertaken to minimise the incidence and harm from intentional paracetamol self-poisoning and unintentional overdosing. This follows the Independent expert report on the risks of...
Are You LOW In Iron OR Possibly TOO HIGH ???
Whilst many people are aware of the signs and impacts of low iron, few people are aware of the problems of iron being too high. It is one of the most under diagnosed nutritional problems I see with clients, and often overlooked medically. There are two main forms of...
Is Nerve Pain Making Your Life Miserable?
Nerve pain and nerve damage comes in many different ways. Many experience nerve pain, burning, numbness, disturbing cold or hot sensations, or constant nerve tingling (known as neuropathy). More than 1 in 5 people over 45 experience chronic pain and it can be quite...
I have been an advocate and supporter of my clients fasting for many years ( and personally practiced daily fasting for over 8 years) Fasting comes in different forms, but may not be suitable for everyone, or needs to be modified depending on your individual health...
Are You Interested In Participating In A Research Study?
Botanica Medica (Craig) is currently recruiting healthy people for a clinical trial, to find out more please read the attached advertisement.
Waking Up In The Middle Of The Night?
Sun Exposure can help regulate circadian rhythm and help you to stop waking up as often in the middle of the night. If you feel like you get enough sun exposure or sun exposure is difficult to get with your other commitments, then speak to one of our friendly...
Did You Know About Vitamin D And Sleep
Did You Know About Vitamin D and Sleep???? Vitamin D is very important in the production of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin. People whose exposure to sunlight may be minimal can suffer from insufficient amounts of vitamin D, which is required for calcium...
New In Store Aromatherapy Candles – Australian Made
New Aromatherapy Candles From Conscious Candles The Australian made hand poured natural pure soy candles are infused with premium grade essential oils to enhance the atmosphere of any room. Choose from 6 exclusive therapeutic aromatherapy blends to promote health and...
Botanica Medica Clinic Is Open!
Botanica Medica Clinic Remains Open !!! We are following current SA Health advice and protocols. Our naturopaths and Counsellors are still seeing clients via Skype, Zoom or Phone. All medications can be picked up contactless or posted by ringing the clinic and...
Positive Effects of Meditation Show Up on Brain Imaging
Reductions in perceived stress and anxiety following transcendental meditation (TM) are associated with functional changes in key regions of the brain, in the first study to investigate the effects of the practice on the brain using resting-state functional magnetic...
Vegetarian Diet Linked to Lower Ischemic, Hemorrhagic Stroke Risk
A vegetarian diet rich in nuts, vegetables, and soy has been linked to a lower risk of both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, new research suggests. In two large cohorts of more than 13,000 individuals, investigators found a vegetarian diet was associated with a 60% to...
Specific Gut Bacteria in Infants Linked to Future Anxiety
Lower levels of a specific gut bacteria in infants are associated with the development of anxiety in toddlers, new research shows. In one of the first human studies to compare the composition of a baby's gut bacteria with brain development, investigators found that...
Walnuts and Breast Cancer – Clinical Study
In a small clinical study, investigators from Marshall University School of Medicine found that the consumption of 60 grams of walnuts per day for about two weeks significantly changed gene expression in confirmed breast cancers. The findings from the study were...
Omega-3’s Recommended in Depression as Add On
Omega-3s Recommended as Adjunctive Therapy for Major Depression A clinical practice guideline from the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research (ISNPR) recommends omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) as adjunctive therapy for major...
Lavender Promising for Anxiety Study Suggests
Lavender Promising for Anxiety but Evidence Base Needs to Grow Lavender may have a role in treating anxiety but no firm conclusions can be drawn without higher quality, less biased studies, a large systematic review and meta-analysis suggests. "Oral lavender in the...
Massage Therapy Gives Relief From Chemo-Related Neuropathy
Massage Therapy Gives Relief From Chemo-Related Neuropathy SAN FRANCISCO ―Massage therapy can provide symptomatic relief for chronic chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), a new study suggests. The number of weekly massage sessions that a patient...
Plant Protein Like Kale & Broccoli Reduces Total Mortality Risk
Plant protein reduces total mortality risk Results of a new large-scale study published in JAMA Internal Medicine show an association between plant protein intake and lower total, cancer-related and cardiovascular disease related mortality. The study from Japan...
Part 3 In Response to The Media On Benzodiazepine Medication – Jeff’s Story
Jeff’s Story On How He Quit Prescription Pain Medications Suboxone Sux My name is Jeff, I’m 50 and had been on one form of opiate or another for almost 10 years after a bad motorbike accident. I was hospitalised for 3 months and sent home with a box of Fentanyl to...
Deep Sleep Cleans Your Brain: Part 1
Amazing discoveries about the brain are helping us to understand the importance of sleep in maintaining brain health. We can thank Professor Maiken Nedergaard for furthering our knowledge in this area due to her discovery of the glymphatic system in 2013. So, what is...
Part 2 In Response To The Media On Benzodiazepine Medications.
CONCERN OVER RISING RATES OF OVERDOSE FROM PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS Last week concern was raised about the escalating levels of accidental overdose from prescription pain killers (opioids such as oxycodone and codeine) and sedatives (benzodiazepines such as diazepam ,...
Prescription Omega-3 Fatty Acids Backed By The AHA
AHA Advisory Backs Prescription Omega-3s for Triglycerides Prescription omega-3 fatty acids — products containing eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) plus docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) or EPA alone — are an "effective and safe" way to reduce elevated triglyceride levels when...
In Response to Last Weeks Media on Benzodiazepine Medications.
In Response to Last Weeks Media on "Benzodiazepines Most Common Substance in Overdose Deaths" Last week, there was much media attention discussing the dangers of benzodiazepine medications. Decades of inappropriate prescribing and overprescribing of medications such...
Associations Between Gabapentinoids and …….
Associations Between Gabapentinoids and Injuries, Accidents, Mental Health, and Criminality TAKE-HOME MESSAGE • This study looked at associations between gabapentinoids and poor outcomes in terms of coordination disturbances (eg, body injuries, traffic accidents),...
Three Interventions Could Cut Cardiovascular Deaths
High impact possible with worldwide efforts to lower blood pressure, cut sodium, eliminate trans fat Lowering blood pressure, cutting sodium intake, and eliminating intake of trans fat could cut the incidence of premature death from cardiovascular disease by 94...
Healthy Lifestyle Offsets Genetic Risk for Dementia
Adhering To A Healthy Lifestyle Reduces The Risk Of Developing Dementia, Even In Those At Genetic Risk Of Alzheimer's Disease, New Research Suggests. Investigators found that individuals at high genetic risk who followed an unhealthy lifestyle were almost three times...
Omega-3 Reduces Aortic Calcification in Men
Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids have been shown to have an inverse association with aortic calcification a new study has reported. Published in the journal, Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, the study found that in middle-aged men,...