by admin | Aug 15, 2018 | Botanica Medica, Health, Nutrition, Wellbeing
The debilitating short-term and long-term effects of concussion (also known as traumatic brain injury or traumatic head injury) have been in the spotlight again. The recent concussion to champion AFL player Robbie Gray again highlights the inherent dangers involved...
by admin | Aug 8, 2018 | Botanica Medica, Health, Nutrition, Products, Wellbeing
WAHT’S YOUR VITAMIN D SCORE, ARE YOU AT RISK? TAKE-HOME MESSAGE * This pooled analysis of 17 cohorts was designed to evaluate the impact of circulating vitamin D levels on colorectal cancer risk. Deficient vitamin D levels (<30 nmol/L) were associated with a...
by admin | Jun 25, 2018 | Botanica Medica, Health, Uncategorized, Wellbeing
Effect of Resistance Exercise Training on Depressive Symptoms TAKE-HOME MESSAGE * This study analyzed 33 randomized controlled trials to evaluate the association between resistance exercise training and depressive symptoms. The study found that resistance exercise...
by admin | Jun 16, 2018 | Botanica Medica, Health, Nutrition, Products, Wellbeing
VITAMIN D LINK TO REDUCING RISK OF MULTIPLE SITE-SPECIFIC CANCERS New research published in the British Medical Journal has confirmed that vitamin D has protective effects against numerous site-specific cancers in both men and women. The findings of this large...
by admin | Jun 6, 2018 | Botanica Medica, Health, Nutrition, Wellbeing
COCOA FLAVONOLS INFLUENCE SKIN PHOTO AGEING Daily intake of a high flavonol cocoa beverage may have positive effects on facial wrinkles and skin elasticity in moderately photo-aged women, a recent study suggests. “We found that 24 weeks of daily cocoa flavonol...
by admin | May 23, 2018 | Botanica Medica, Health, Uncategorized, Wellbeing PCOS is not the same for all women. Treatment must target the underlying cause and I’m going to give you some examples of why this is so important. Don’t settle for just supressing the symptoms....
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