Meditation May Best Gold Standard Therapy for PTSD Transcendental meditation is effective in reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans and may be a helpful alternative for those who prefer not to receive or do not respond to traditional...

How Are Your Allergies?

Sneezing, Sniffing and Scratching? Allergies Blow! Does your dog send you into a sneezing frenzy? Do certain foods leave you bloated and headachy? Or do pollens and certain grasses leave your skin desperately itchy? If you answered yes, then you know this is a daily...

Good Sleep is Essential

Are You Waking Up Feeling Refreshed? Staring at the ceiling at 2:30 am, unable to sleep, is usually low on people’s list of favourite pastimes. Affecting anyone at any age, insomnia (difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep) and/or waking unrefreshed can be some...