Unfortunately It can be a common experience for many people to have trouble obtaining copies of their blood test results and the various Xray, Ultrasound , CT and MRIs, that are rightfully yours. Often you are made to feel that you don’t have a right to have these results and reports. This is WRONG!

Under FOI (Freedom of Information laws), these results must be provided to you upon your request. Whilst it is always reasonable for a doctor to discuss these results with you first, they should provide you with a copy at this time, irrespective of the nature of the results. They are your results, not theirs! You should always request and receive a copy of all results, for your records, and for the benefit of other health professionals involved in supporting your health.

Unfortunately many people are made to feel that they don’t have a right to ask for their results, or that you have to receive a hard copy, in person.

For the specific rules, go to https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/your-privacy-rights/health-information/access-your-health-information

The law states “You can ask for your health information to be given to you in a particular way — by email, phone, hard copy, electronic record, in person, letting you view it, or sending a copy to another health service provider.

If you ask for access in a way that is unreasonable or not practical, a health service provider can give it to you another way — such as on a USB stick rather than paper copies, giving you a summary of the information or allowing you to view it.

If a health service provider refuses to give you access in the way you requested they must give you a written notice telling you why, and how you can complain about their refusal”

And yes you do have a right to request via email, regardless of their policy and how they share test results.

A health care provider can only refuse your request, in very limited circumstances when you are requesting your tests, if

• it may threaten your or someone else’s life, health or safety

• it may impact someone else’s privacy

• giving access would be unlawful.

As a Naturopath, all my clients receive a full copy of any tests I order, along with a thorough explanation of results

When having test or scans performed, you can request other health professionals to receive copies, along with the requesting health professional, this is usually done on presentation of the request form and must be filled in by them. Most major pathology companies support this.

You can also opt in My Health Record. The government database that acts as your own private medical data storage service, but also allows you access to your results. If you opt in, all your tests and scan results are uploaded, giving you access 7 days after uploading. Whilst there are valid reasons why some people may not opt in, it can be invaluable for most.

For further information go to
